First of all, I give all the glory to God. Though full of faults, I express my gratitude to the Board of Directors for appointing me to open a new chapter in Theological Education at Saint Mission University. Also to the SMU professors, alumni, and to the students I express my gratitude for helping out even when their time is limited.
Our Saint Mission University will start a meaningful beginning. In Chapter 2 of SMU, theological education will strive to educate spiritual leaders to possess great Christian characters. Theology is about maturity (incarnation.) At the climax of this spiritual maturity is suffering similar to the death at the cross. This trial is something everyone at the SMU must endure through.
I will change Saint Mission University’s Theological Education history to “Reborn through Theological Education” and that will be the turning point of SMU. In today’s college-level education, the general consensus in education is worldly imperialism and ideology corrupting theology. Liberal theology is leading the education of theology today. Therefore, those of us who study theology must develop new ways to educate theology without corrupting it.
“What should one do when called upon for historical deeds?” is the question I asked myself. I believe that the answer does not lie with oneself but rather with God Father Almighty Himself.
To produce leaders, gospel spreaders, missionaries, and Christians who will give their lives to fulfill our Savior’s goal is the starting point for the Saint Mission University. SMU’s vision is to serves globally and to do our best to produce Christian leaders in the 21st Century. Thus, we will spread the gospel and truly embody the light and salt that the world needs and to guide individuals to take up the work that needs to be done.
To achieve our goals,
First, define Saint Mission University’s theological standpoint on the Bible and stand firm on it to become role models for Christian leaders possess.
Second, produce God’s servants from Saint Mission University who will influence socially and spread the gospels as leaders.
Third, educate to open the eyes of the students on a global level.
Fourth, not only help ministries but allow people to share theology and provide the correct information to those who seek the information.
Fifth, belief that only faith in Jesus Christ will lead to salvation and experience that faith in one’s life and bring God as the center of our lives. We turn our eyes to the world and bring the gospel to the world as efficiently as possible and go through appropriate training prior to the spreading.
For the project mentioned above, we will create “Research Institute of Christian Scholarship” and utilize the internet to access both online and offline so education is possible anywhere around the world.
May the blessings and grace of God Almighty be with you all.
Saint Mission University
President, Sang Won Park, Ph.D.